Impact of COVID-19 at Hendry Warren
Hendry Warren has implemented additional changes in our service delivery as a result of the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Our partners are meeting daily, by conference call, to address the latest developments, ensure we continue to do all we can for the safety of our staff, and to continue to provide service to our clients.
Hendry Warren remains open for business. Approximately 90% of our staff and partners are working remotely, which provides ample space for those that remain in the office to keep sufficient distance from their co-workers.
We are no longer holding any face to face meetings with clients, and are asking our clients to submit their personal and/or corporate tax information electronically if possible. If records must be delivered in hard copy, there is a drop box outside the main door of building which is checked regularly, including on weekends. A drop location is also available inside our office door to allow clients leave information without having to interact with any staff in close proximity.
We encourage clients to submit their personal tax, and corporate year end information to us as soon as possible. At the time of this bulletin, there have been no extensions to any filing deadlines.
Please reach out to your service provider at Hendry Warren by phone, or email, if you have any questions about your file, or about our response to the current situation