COVID-19 planning at HW
Given the concerns around the virus, and our concern for our employees, clients, and the community at large, Hendry Warren has implemented a number of measures to increase social distancing, as recommended by Ottawa Public Health.
Accordingly, we are moving meetings to telephone or Skype wherever possible, and are encouraging clients to use delivery methods that don’t require entering our office building. To send documents securely using Sharefile, you can contact our office, and we can email you a secure link, or you can use the link on the “submit documents” page of the website. We also have a drop box outside the main door of our office building that is checked at least twice a day, including weekends.
As well, many of our staff are working remotely, which may result in a delay in response time to calls and emails. Rest assured, we are open for business, and are here to assist our clients as needed. Please continue to reach out to your direct service provider, or any of our staff. Due to the number of staff working remotely, processing and delivery of information received or delivered on paper may be delayed, as well. We encourage all of our clients to move to receiving their financial statements and tax returns, etc., in electronic format.
If you do come into the office, you will notice a number of changes implemented to reduce the opportunity for spread of this, or any, virus. If you have any questions about our response, please contact our HR manager, Krista MacDonald at