HW Running Tallies at the Butterfly Run
Thursday, October 6th, members of the HW staff got together to run the virtual Butterfly Run in support of the Roger Neilson House to raise awareness around pregnancy loss, infant loss, pregnancy after loss, and infertility in Ottawa and surrounding areas.
This cause and organization are near and dear to our hearts at HW and we’re excited to support the run this year. As a team we had a goal of $5,000 and we are currently at $7,250 and counting!
- Hendry Warren’s donation page is available here: https://raceroster.com/events/2022/62934/butterfly-run-ottawa/pledge/team/433410
- Learn more about Butterfly Run Ottawa at their website: http://www.butterflyrunottawa.ca/
- Learn More about Roger Neilson House at their website: https://rogerneilsonhouse.ca/