CEWS update April 21, 2020

The federal government today announced that CEWS applications will open on Monday April 27, 2020.  The CRA provided an on-line CEWS calculator (see https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/subsidy/emergency-wage-subsidy.html) to assist employers in calculating their CEWS claim.  As Canadian employers prepare to submit their first CEWS application, there are a number of considerations that we wanted to bring your attention.

Automatic Qualification for Following Period – The legislation released April 11, 2020 contained a surprise deeming rule that had not been previously announced.  If an employer qualifies for the CEWS for one period by suffering the required decline in revenue, it will automatically qualify for the immediately following period.  For example, if an employer suffers a revenue decline in March 2020 of 15% or more when compared to the appropriate prior period, it will automatically qualify for April 2020 even if April revenue has not declined 30%.  Employers need to be aware of this as they prepare their CEWS application for subsequent periods.

Cash vs Accrual Basis – As previously reported to you, an employer may select to compute revenue for purposes of the CEWS on a cash or accrual basis.  The selected basis of computing revenue must be used for all CEWS applications.  There may be an advantage for an employer to delay their CEWS applications until June 2020 at which time the revenue for March, April and May under the cash and accrual basis for all three periods will be known.  We appreciate that this may not be practical for many employers who need immediate access to the CEWS funds.

Baseline Remuneration – To prevent business owners from increasing remuneration to maximize the CEWS, the CEWS formula restricts the CEWS to 75% of the average weekly wage paid between January 1 and March 15, 2020 which is defined as baseline remuneration.  This applies to remuneration paid to all employees.

Can the CEWS Equal 100% of Salary – We have received several questions concerning whether or not 100% of an employee’s salary could be recovered by the CEWS.  Based upon the CEWS formula this is not possible if the remuneration paid to an employee during the CEWS eligibility periods remains unchanged from baseline remuneration for that employee.  It could be achieved however if remuneration paid during the CEWS eligibility period is reduced by 25% or more from baseline remuneration. 

Revenue from Related Sources – In computing revenue for purposes of the CEWS, revenue from related persons or partnerships is excluded.  This can lead to one employer in a related group not being eligible for the CEWS while the entire group as a whole has suffered the required revenue decline.  Two special revenue computation rules are provided to address this issue.  First, an affiliated group of employers may elect to compute their revenue on a consolidated basis.  Second, if 90% or more of total revenue is from related sources, a special formula is provided that allows the employer to compute their revenue decline based upon the revenue decline of related customers.  These rules are particularly complex and you may require our assistance for their implementation.

We have established a dedicated team to assist clients in preparing their CEWS applications.  If you need help, please contact us.  We are here for you.

Testimonial from Rob Waterman - President at Waterman Sales Ltd.

We have been in Business since 1992 and had an accountant who was a family friend. When he retired, we needed to find a new accountant. Jacob at Hendry Warren was recommended to us through our Lawyer. We met with him and were impressed immediately; over the years we have gotten to know more of the staff and are equally impressed. They have done our company taxes, company valuations, share purchases, tax planning, covid relief, personal taxes, etc. All of which have gone very smoothly. Hendry Warren is aware of new legislation and has helped us grow as a company.

Rob Waterman (President at Waterman Sales Ltd.)
Testimonial from Lynn LaHam - CPA, CGA, Crossroads Children’s Centre

Hendry Warren is a very professional organization who are very sensitive to client needs and timelines. Marie Fraser and all of the staff that I have met and worked with exhibit the same degree of courtesy and professionalism. It is always a pleasure working with them.

Lynn LaHam ( CPA, CGA, Crossroads Children’s Centre)
Testimonial from Chris Jerome, Treasurer - Habitat for Humanity – National Capital Region

Hendry Warren LLP has been easy to work with, dependable, personable and professional and are always available when we need them. The annual audit process is efficient and timely and their staff is always knowledgeable and well prepared.

Chris Jerome, Treasurer (Habitat for Humanity – National Capital Region)
Testimonial from Don Silverman - CFO Sciemetric

From the partners to the new graduates, the quality of service and advice were second to none…we rely heavily on the advice we are given from both an audit and tax perspective…I know that our firm can count on Hendry Warren LLP to be accurate, timely and professional at all times.

Don Silverman (CFO Sciemetric)
Testimonial from Gordon Miller - President, UNIGLOBE Premiere Travel

In every instance where advice or assistance has been needed it has been provided with clarity and timeliness. And with a very satisfactory outcome. Our accounting staff have always appreciated the efficiency of Hendry-Warren team assigned to our audits and review engagements. We appreciate that Hendry-Warren LLP is able to support our needs as a paperless group of companies.

Gordon Miller (President, UNIGLOBE Premiere Travel)
Testimonial from Les Bell, - CPA, CA, President, Lincoln Heights Ford Sales Ltd.

Ian Hendry is a truly responsive and responsible partner in our business and has been for over 20 years. I would (and have) recommend his services to everyone.

Les Bell, (CPA, CA, President, Lincoln Heights Ford Sales Ltd.)
Testimonial from Colin Goodfellow - field_5cebff5066bfc

I have used Marie Fraser and her team at Hendry Warren for business, personal and special projects. Deep enough bench strength to cover anything, and small enough to pay attention.

Colin Goodfellow (field_5cebff5066bfc)
Testimonial from Rupert Bonham-Carter - field_5cebff5066bfc

Jacob has been invaluable over the past 18 months in assisting with the incorporation and start-up of my new business venture. I trust Jacob's advice on complicated income tax and HST matters to allow me to focus on what is most important - my business!

Rupert Bonham-Carter (field_5cebff5066bfc)
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